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Instruments for Sale

Renaissance ("Gothic", "Bray") Harp

26 strings from FF

by Simon Capp

Available now  [sale in progress]

Spanish ("X-strung") Double Harp

29 diatonic strings and 18 chromatic strings from CC

by Tim Hobrough after Zurberan

Available July  [negotiations in progress]

Irish Harp circa 1700 (ideal for Carolan) 

36 diatonic strings, with "sisters" tuning at G

by Tim Hobrough after the O'Neil

Stringing in Red and Yellow brass by Simon Chadwick

Available September​   

Early Harps


Cerberino Double Regal

"The continuo from hell:

a real sub-woofer!"

Concept by Andrew Lawrence-King

Optimised for continuo

Metal pipes
for that characteristic

Italian"bite" to the sound

Short octave to GGG

Full treble compass to c"#


The extended bass range adds rich colour and sonority to the characteristically crisp and dark Italian regal sound, whilst the short octave allows optimal chord-voicings to be reached easily.

Pipework by Laukhuff

voiced to our specifications

Electric Blower by Laukhuff

Built by Katerina Antonenko



Available now

Cerbero Triple Regal

"The continuo from hell:

a contra-sub-woofer!"

Concept by Andrew Lawrence-King

The ultimate continuo regal


Extended contra-bass register

Short keyboard

Extra portable

Metal pipes

for that characteristic 

Italian "bite" to the sound

Treble down from c'

A restricted compass is a typical feature of 17th-century regals, reducing size, weight and cost. The high treble range of modern regals is rarely used, and certainly never needed for continuo.

Chromatic bass down to CC (8')

+ an extra Octave of contrabass down to BBBb

The contrabass pipes are operated by pedal pull-downs, a typical feature of 17th-century keyboard design. Pedals quickly disassemble for transportation.

The contrabass register is diatonic only, but can be re-tuned for the particular tonality required. 

The pedals are not intended for rapid melodies in solo playing; but in chordal continuo-accompaniment they allow a 16-foot bass note to be added at the bottom of the texture, whilst the hands comfortably span the most effective chord-voicings in the 8-foot register.   

Customised pipework by Laukhuff

16-foot bass pipes specially built,

and all pipes voiced to our specifications

Electric Blower by Laukhuff

Designed & built by

Katerina Antonenko



Available September


Traditional 15-string Kantele

Based on instruments in the Finnish National Museum

Horsehair or brass strings

by Katerina Antonenko

Available September

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